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501 North 9th Avenue
Pensacola, FL, 32501
United States


Welcome to duh for garden and home. Our store, located in Pensacola, Florida, offers an eclectic collection of furniture, home accessories and found objects from all over the world. Our collections emphasize texture/pattern and natural design elements from a mixture of cultures and eras. Our belief is this defines today's way of living in a comfortable, relaxed style with an elegant presence.


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Get The Look : Funky Farmhouse

Quinn Stinson

Funky Farmhouse (6).png

Funky farmhouse style is, in a lot of ways, the best of several trends from the last few years.
This look takes the best of "rustic," a touch of industrial, and the sleek elegance of "modern." It's sophisticated, without feeling pretentious or unapproachable, and it's inviting enough that you feel like you can kick back and relax. That's why we rounded up our favorite pieces that epitomize this ethos to a T.


Funky farmhouse style also incorporates old and new pieces. A modern round mirror juxtaposes against a rustic antique side table. If you're looking for a more sleek look for shiplap, instead of painting white, you can add bleached wood paneling.

Farmhouse Style

Funky farmhouse style also does not have to be rustic! Our showroom shows how to create an elegant and soft look while still featuring the main tenants of the style. White wood paneling, warm wood furniture and flooring, clean lined pieces are all staples, but adding soft fabrics, warm colors, and textures into the space creates a different take.

Mix and Match

We love mixing different eras into our living spaces. Our showroom features white walls, a rustic farm table and black industrial pendants which all check the funky farmhouse boxes, but they're made more relaxed with the addition of linen slipcovered side chairs, pieces in different scales, and a tonal rug over the polished concrete floors.