interiors — Blog — duh for garden & home

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501 North 9th Avenue
Pensacola, FL, 32501
United States


Welcome to duh for garden and home. Our store, located in Pensacola, Florida, offers an eclectic collection of furniture, home accessories and found objects from all over the world. Our collections emphasize texture/pattern and natural design elements from a mixture of cultures and eras. Our belief is this defines today's way of living in a comfortable, relaxed style with an elegant presence.


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Q&A with DUH Store Manager: Diletta Rosasco

Quinn Stinson


1. What is your favorite quote from a book or movie?

Wuthering Heights, by Emile Bronte. Catherine about Heathcliff:

"Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same".

2. What is the personality trait you most admire in a human being?


3. What is your favorite product at Duh?

Santa Maria Novella

4. Who is your favorite musician dead or alive?

Florence and the Machine

5. What is one interesting fact we don't know about you?

I am a very sweet person, but I have a dark side that people usually do not see...

ask my husband and my kids!!!

In the Design Studio: Meet Curtis

Quinn Stinson


Meet Curtis Black. His humor and quick wit are two of his strengths always inviting you in with a warm and welcoming smile. Past clients say his personable communication and clarity in which he defines the process is an asset when starting a new build or simply refreshing a space. When you create with Curtis, you discover his passion for design and understanding of nuance like no other.


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DUH Style: Pillow Pairing 101

Quinn Stinson

We have a little bit of a formula when it comes to pillow patterns– we like to mix a solid (with or without trim), an organic (floral, ikat, etc.) and a small scale or geometric.  The scales are all different, which is important! Layer in a nubby throw on a neutral sofa and you will have years of movie nights with the family. Add one of our luxurious Oushak rugs, a beach friendly sisal or a hide under foot to complete your living room look. Sneak a peek of our suggested options below!

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  • All geometric patterns together

  • All the same scale pattern

  • All the same material (we like to mix velvet, linen, wovens, fur, etc. to create texture)

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Get the Look: Moderne Revision

Quinn Stinson

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It's clean, elegant and always fresh. Our Moderne  Revision showroom is a spectacular space showcasing the best in home furnishings. Take note of the mix of materials and finishes. We have layered in brass, lucite, dark wood and glass to make this slick look pop. One of the featured items in the space is our Sojourn rug. Take note of the variation in pile, pattern & color that fuses the overall color palate of the space. Available in several sizes this "key item" can fit any space.



bamboo & wool

This September we pay tribute to minimalistic moderne. The new classics built from simplicity and thoughtfulness. Stop into our statement making lighting showroom to  peruse pieces that create more than conversation. Schedule an appointment with our design team today to discuss your space and how we can infuse a little bit of moderne into your home.

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